Brellick was a gnoll appearing in Revolt of the Beastmasters, the seventh parth of Heroes Chronicles. He was one of the gnoll leaders, and Tarnum often put him in charge when he couldn't lead the army himself.
Like many other Mudlanders, Brellick had been a slave to the Erathians until Tarnum arrived, disguised as a beastmaster, to start a rebellion and free the people he had once enslaved. Brellick rose in the ranks, and became one of the gnoll leaders. When Tarnum realized that the slaves had no concept of rules, laws, and fair punishment, he asked Brellick to gather some of the wisest members of the camp and form a system of laws - figure what actions he thought were crimes, and what the proper punishment would be. Unsure of how to proceed, Brellick and the others stumbled their way around and ended up with hundreds and hundreds of laws, detailing work habits, eating habits, how much sleep was too much, and about two hundred different laws against stealing, depending on what was stolen. When Tarnum asked him how anyone was supposed to remember it all, Brellick admitted that he hadn't known they were supposed to remember them as well. In the end, Adamina and the other wise women offered to write a system of laws for them, and Brellick gladly handed the task over to her.
When Mad King Gryphonheart put out a bounty on the heads of escaped slaves, Brellick was the first of Tarnum's men to find the aftermath of a group of women, children and other noncombatants that had been ambushed by rogues, and he described with a faltering voice the bloody scene and the headless corpses hanging from trees.
When Earl Rambert threatened to kill the wise women he held as prisoners unless Prince Niven was returned to him, Tarnum disguised Droglo as himself and sent him to handle the trade. Tarnum also sent Brellick with the boy, giving him explicit orders to protect him from harm. While Droglo's wyverns managed to break the Earl's ambush, Brellick fell to Earl Rambert's blade. Prince Niven picked up a weapon and killed the Earl, avenging the brave gnoll.