Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see breeder.

The breeder is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. An Elite member of the Inferno faction, its upgraded version is the breeder mother.

Bestowed upon Ur-Aazheel, the Demon Overlord of Proliferation, the Breeder is an obese, pulsing mass of flesh that continually “spits” Imps from shifting orifices in her skin. Almost incapable of movement, she constantly twitches from her insatiable need to procreate, and much of her vital energy is consumed in efforts to control the mutations of her body. She feeds on mana, that she can smell from a mile away, and when hungry, is not reluctant to consume her own offspring.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Fireproof Skin Fireproof Skin
Having adapted to the volcanic environment of their prison-world Sheogh, demons are 20% more resistant to Fire damage.OffBck
Vulnerability to Light Vulnerability to Light
Light spells which damage the living are empowered against undead and demons by 20%. Light spells which heal the living damage undead and demons.OffBck
Breeder Mana Leech Mana Leech
Mana is a creative resource that allows one to make something out of nothing. The creatures of Ur-Aazheel, the Demon Overlord of Proliferation, can smell Mana a mile away. Breeders not only rely on Mana to reproduce but can also channel its power from an enemy to their leader, whenever they are the target of an attack.
When damaging creatures, the creature drains 5% of the enemy Hero’s current Mana and transfers it to your Hero.OffBck


Heroes VI Inferno Faction Icon Inferno
Basic creatures
Maniac · Hell hound · Succubus · Breeder · Tormentor · Juggernaut · Pit fiend
Upgraded creatures
Demented · Cerberus · Lilim · Breeder mother · Lacerator · Ravager · Pit lord