Might and Magic Wiki

The blade master is an elite creature of the Sylvan in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is the upgraded form of the blade dancer.

These warriors have been schooled by Irollan's finest swordsmen. They move with a great agility, akin to feathers in the breeze. In battle, the Blade Masters' swordsmanship is so fast and purposeful that their blade resembles a leaf caught up in a whirlwind, and few are those who can survive the silvery thrust of their weapons.OffBck


Vigilance Vigilance
Blade dancing is a movement-based combat style, allowing the Blade Dancers to never be flanked.
The creature cannot be flanked at all.OffBck
Whirling Death H7 Whirling death
Masters of blade dancing at so fast and mobile that they can hit all enemies in range in the same movement: deadly.
The creature attacks all neighbouring enemy units.OffBck


Heroes VII Sylvan faction icon Sylvan
Basic creatures
Hunter · Dryad · Pixie · Druid · Moon doe · Blade dancer · Green dragon · Treant
Upgraded creatures
Master hunter · Oak dryad · Sprite · Druid elder · Sun deer · Blade master · Emerald dragon · Ancient treant
Warfare units
Sylvan ballista · Mother treant · Greater earth elemental