Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see axe.

"Axes are the classic choice for fighters who want to cause serious damage. In skilled hands, critical hits with axes leave bleeding wounds. If these injuries are not healed quickly the wounded will bleed to death."

Axe is a skill in Might & Magic X: Legacy that increases effectiveness with axes. Mercenaries and Barbarians can learn master axe, and Defenders and Scouts can learn grandmaster axe.


Bonus per Skill Point Attack Value + 2

Damage +5%

Expert Tier Bonus Critical Hit Chance increased by 5%
Master Tier Bonus Critical Damage increased by 50%

Your first critical hit each round causes a bleeding wound, dealing an additional 50% of its damage at the beginning of the next turn

GrandMaster Tier Bonus Damage +3% additional per skill level

