Might and Magic Wiki

Asp Isle is an island located somewhere in Great Arcan, featured in the An Unusual Betrayal scenario of the Price of Peace campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

While fighting the forces of Lord Landrew, queen Emilia Nighthaven learned from a local fisherman that a pair of genies had taken a prisoner to the nearby Asp Isle. As the island was surrounded by treacherous rocks, there was no way for a ship or boat to land there, and no way to rescue the prisoner.

But in a nearby pub, queen Emilia finds an old sailor who knows how to land on the island - some of the rocks are just illusions, and it's possible to pass through them. She gives him a kiss for the info, and her forces free Reed from a prison on the island.

Great Arcan
Personnel and benefactors
Bozilast · Companions of Emilia · Daeraphena · Eddwil· Emilia Nighthaven · Gavin Magnus · Tharj Orcsplitter · Holman · Koelox · Lady Miranda · Lord Bloth · Lord Oliver · Lord Landrew · Mazellian · Old King Dreggar · Reed · Sir Mardor · Solmyr ibn Wali Barad · The Sapper Brothers
Notable territories and cities
Asp Isle · Arcania · Brookside
Relevant terms
Armor of Order · Black Dragon Graveyard · Crystal Pendulum · Dragon golem · Dwarf · Gold golem · Mind Shield · Red dwarf · Sword of the Gods · The Rainbow Crystal
Relevant games
Heroes of Might and Magic IV