Archibald's campaign is one of the two campaigns from Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars, the other being Roland's campaign. After the death of Morglin Ironfist, the player must choose which of his two sons to support in the struggle for the throne.
The two campaigns contradict each other, and Roland's campaign is the canonically true one.
- First Blood
- Barbarian Wars
- Necromancers
- Slay the Dwarves
- Turning Point
- Rebellion
- Dragon Master
- Country Lords
- The Crown
- Greater Glory
- Apocalypse
When they reach the Turning Point mission, the player has the option of joining Roland instead, so rather than using one castle to fight three in Turning Point, they use three castles against one in the Betrayal scenario. Having switched their allegiance, they then move to Roland's campaign, starting with scenario six, Defender.