Might and Magic Wiki

The menacing sight of the Arcane Archer's magic-imbued arrows will strike fear into any who dare to trespass into the shade of Irollan's oak trees. No suit of armour is thick enough to protect against these enchanted arrows. In fact, they strike with such force that they will send their target reeling helplessly backwards.OffBck

The arcane archer is a Sylvan creature in Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East. It is an alternative upgrade of the hunter.

Unlike the hunter and the master hunter, the arcane archer only fires once per turn, but with enough force to drive enemies backwards, meaning they'll spend more turns reaching the archer. Their lack of a range penalty also makes them considerably deadlier against enemy ranged units, but less effective than the master hunter once the enemy's melee units get close.


  • Shooter - This creature can inflict damage remotely. When distance to target is longer than half the arena, the target suffers only half the normal damage. Shooter cannot use ranged attack when blocked by enemy creature. If there's no Ammo Cart in the army, the number of shots is limited by available ammo.
  • Force Arrow - This creature's ranged attack ignores 50 percent of the target's Defense and has an extra chance to thrust the target back one tile and stun it.
  • No Range Penalty - Shooter has no penalty for damage inflicted during ranged attack, provided the range is over half the arena.

Heroes V Sylvan creatures
Basic creatures
Pixie · Blade dancer · Hunter · Druid · Unicorn · Treant · Green dragon
Upgraded creatures
Sprite · War dancer · Master hunter · Druid elder · Silver unicorn · Ancient treant · Emerald dragon
Alternate upgrades
Dryad · Wind dancer · Arcane archer · High druid · Pristine unicorn · Savage treant · Crystal dragon