Might and Magic Wiki
For a chronological timeline of events in the original universe, see Timeline (Ancient universe).

The Ancient universe refers to the original continuity of the Might and Magic series. Up until the 1997 release of Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty, all official media in the series overtly took place in this canonical setting.

The original universe was introduced in Might and Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum. After Ubisoft became the holders of the brand, they withdrew the original universe in favour of the Ubisoft continuity. However, since 2016 some spinoff projects take place in the original universe, including Lost Tales of Axeoth and Might & Magic Heroes: Era of Chaos. Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era is the first mainline game published by Ubisoft to return to the original universe.

Comprising media[]

Video games[]


Unofficial entries[]

These entries are overtly set within the continuity, but are fan-made and have not been directly pronounced canon by publishers or developers.
