Might and Magic Wiki

The ancient treant is a champion creature of the Sylvan in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is the upgraded form of the treant.

The life of a Treant can span hundreds, even thousands, of years. The oldest Treants are slow but resilient, protected by a thick skin of bark hardened by the centuries. They can also animate vegetation around them, turning them into weapons against the enemies of the forest.OffBck


Living Shelter Living Shelter
Treants can transform into magical trees that protect allies with cover, increase defense and act as moats when enemies approach, making them trip and stop. The Treant cannot attack or move in this state.
The creature gets +10 Defence and provides cover for friendly creatures. The creature also stops enemy creatures moving next to it while friendly creatures can pass through it. Living Shelter is active until the creature moves or attacks.OffBck
Entangling Roots Entangling Roots
The Ancient Treants have such great roots that they can burrow and surge anywhere on the battlefield, grabbing and entangling any target in melee attack with tremendous grip.
Hit creatures become unable to move and use movement based abilities. Lasts until the Treant moves.OffBck


Heroes VII Sylvan faction icon Sylvan
Basic creatures
Hunter · Dryad · Pixie · Druid · Moon doe · Blade dancer · Green dragon · Treant
Upgraded creatures
Master hunter · Oak dryad · Sprite · Druid elder · Sun deer · Blade master · Emerald dragon · Ancient treant
Warfare units
Sylvan ballista · Mother treant · Greater earth elemental