Alesia is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.
Alesia is a healer working at the Church of Elrath (17,20) in Seahaven.
Heroes VII[]
A member of the Order of Vesta, Alesia was born and raised in the cosmopolitan city of Seahaven, in the Agyn Peninsula. A true Vestal, Alesia would rather use the powers of the Light that Elrath bestowed her to heal and bring peace, although she understands that, unfortunately, fighting can not always be avoided.OffBck
Might and Magic X[]
She is willing to accompany the party on their quests. Alesia can be hired for 50 Gold and 3% of the treasure for charity, in exchange she will heal the whole group and perform a resurrection once per day.
Heroes VII[]
Alesia is a Confessor.
Hero Trait | |
Vestal | |
The hero starts with a Healing Sister. Healing Sisters in the hero's army also heals all friendly living units next to her main target.OffBck |
Alesia appears in Might & Magic X: Legacy and in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.