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Air Magic is a school of magic in Heroes of Might and Magic III. Any hero with a spellbook may learn level 1 and 2 spells. To learn higher level spells, a hero needs the Wisdom (H3) skill.


Level 1[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III Haste Haste
(combat spell)
6 One friendly target unit's speed is increased by three hexes per turn. One friendly target unit's speed is increased by five hexes per turn. All friendly units' speed is increased by five hexes per turn. Its effect can be replaced by slow spell. Cyra and Terek are specialists for this spell.
Brissa is also a specialist for this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III Magic Arrow Magic arrow
(combat spell)
5 One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 10) + 10) damage. One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 10) + 20) damage. One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 10) + 30) damage. By default, magic arrow is treated as an air spell, but its efficency can be increased by any elemental magic skill.
Ciele is a specialist for this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III ViewAir View air
(adventure spell)
2 Displays the location of all artifacts on the view world screen. Displays the location of all artifacts and heroes on the view world screen. Displays the location of all artifacts, heroes and towns on the view world screen.

Level 2[]

Number of spells: 7
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III Disguise Disguise
(adventure spell)
4 When the casting hero is right-clicked by opponents, all of the hero's creature troops are displayed as if they were composed of the most powerful creatures in the hero's army. Troop population numbers are represented normally. Same as Basic effect except troop population quantities are represented as "0". Same as Advanced effect except all troops are represented as if populated by the most powerful creature in hero's longest owned town.
Heroes III DisruptingRay Disrupting ray
(combat spell)
10 Reduces target enemy unit's defense rating by three. Same as Basic effect, except defense rating is reduced by four. Same as Basic effect, except defense rating is reduced by five. The effect of this spell is stackable.
Aenain is a specialist for this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III Fortune Fortune
(combat spell)
7 Increases Luck of target, allied troop by one. Increases Luck of target, allied troop by two. Increases Luck of all allied troops by two. Melodia and Daremyth are specialists for this spell.
Heroes III LightningBolt Lightning bolt
(combat spell)
10 Enemy creature receives ((Power x 25) + 10) damage. Enemy creature receives ((Power x 25) + 20) damage. Enemy creature receives ((Power x 25) + 50) damage. Thunderbirds can sometimes inflict this spell. Earth elementals are immune to this spell, while air elementals take double damage from this spell. An army with the hero equipped with the Pendant of Negativity artifact is immune to this spell.
Magma elementals are also immune to this spell, while storm elementals take double damage from this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III Precision Precision
(combat spell)
8 One friendly troop receives a +3 attack rating bonus for ranged attacks. One friendly troop receives a +6 attack rating bonus for ranged attacks. All friendly ranged troops receive a +6 attack rating bonus for ranged attacks. Zubin is a specialist for this spell.
Heroes III ProtectionFromAir Protection from Air
(combat spell)
7 Damage from Air Magic spells is reduced by 30% for target, allied troop. Damage from Air Magic spells is reduced by 50% for target, allied troop. Damage from Air Magic spells is reduced by 50% for all allied troops. Storm elementals can cast this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III Visions Visions
(adventure spell)
4 Displays number of monsters in a wandering monster troop and whether or not the troop will offer to join the casting hero's army. Range is equal to Power or three, whichever is greater. Same as Basic effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the composition and quantity of the hero’s army can be viewed. Range is (Power x 2) or three, whichever is greater. Same as Advanced effect, except an enemy town's statistics and garrison composition and quantity may be viewed. Range is (Power x 3) or three, whichever is greater. The visions spell effect lasts for one day. By default, this spell is treated as an air spell, but its efficency can be increased by any elemental magic skill.

Level 3[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III AirShield Air shield
(combat spell)
12 One friendly target unit takes 25% less damage from ranged attacks. One friendly target unit takes 50% less damage from ranged attacks. All friendly troops take 50% less damage from ranged attacks.
Heroes III DestroyUndead Destroy undead
(combat spell)
15 All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) + 10) damage. All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) + 20) damage. All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) + 50) damage. An army with the hero equipped with the Pendant of Death artifact is immune to this spell.
Heroes III Hypnotize Hypnotize
(combat spell)
18 One enemy target unit of less than ((Power x 25) + 10) Health is put under your control. Allied troops may attack hypnotized troop without fear of retaliation. One enemy target unit of less than ((Power x 25) + 20) Health is put under your control. Allied troops may attack hypnotized troop without fear of retaliation. One enemy target unit of less than ((Power x 25) + 50) Health is put under your control. Allied troops may attack hypnotized troop without fear of retaliation. Astral is a specialist for this spell. An army with the hero equipped with the Pendant of Free Will artifact is immune to this spell.

Level 4[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III ChainLightning Chain lightning
(combat spell)
24 Lightning bolt strikes target troop for ((Power x 40) + 25) damage. Bolt then strikes closest troop for half the damage. Effect continues until 4 troops are hit. Like Basic effect except that initial strike does ((Power x 40) + 50) damage, and bolt strikes five troops. Like Advanced effect except that initial strike does ((Power x 40) +100) damage. Solymr is a specialist for this spell. Earth elementals are immune to this spell, while air elementals take double damage from this spell. An army with the hero equipped with the pendant of negativity artifact is immune to this spell.
Magma elementals are also immune to this spell, while storm elementals take double damage from this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III Counterstrike Counterstrike
(combat spell)
24 One friendly target unit can retaliate against one additional attack per round. One friendly target unit can retaliate against two additional attacks per round. All friendly troops can retaliate against two additional attacks per round.

Level 5[]

Number of spells: 5
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III DimensionDoor Dimension door
(adventure spell)
25 Teleports hero to target, unoccupied, location that is visible on the Adventure Map with the hero centered. Spell may be cast twice per day and reduces the hero’s movement by three tiles for each casting. If movement is reduced to zero, the spell may not be cast. Same as Basic Effect, except the spell may be cast three times in a day. Same as Advanced Effect, except the spell may be cast four times in a day, and movement allowance is reduced by two tiles.
Heroes III Fly Fly
(adventure spell)
20 Casting hero can fly over terrain obstacles to an unoccupied map location. Distance traveled may be up to 60% of normal movement. Same as Basic effect, except the hero may fly up to 80% of normal movement. Same as Basic effect, except the hero may fly up to 100% of normal movement. The effect of fly spell lasts for one day. The hero and their army can fly across water terrain, but not rock underground terrain. The hero equipped with the Angel Wings artifact has this ability.
Heroes III MagicMirror Magic mirror
(combat spell)
25 One friendly target unit has a 20% chance of redirecting a hostile spell to a random enemy troop. One friendly target unit has a 30% chance of redirecting a hostile spell to a random enemy troop. One friendly target unit has a 40% chance of redirecting a hostile spell to a random enemy troop. Faerie dragons have this ability. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III AirElemental Summon air elemental
(combat spell)
25 A troop containing (Power x 2) air elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Same as Basic effect, except that (Power x 3) air elementals are summoned. Same as Basic effect, except that (Power x 4) air elementals are summoned.
Heroes III TitansLightningBolt Titan's lightning bolt Icon-H3X2
(combat spell)
0 N/A N/A N/A Titan's lightning bolt deals exactly 600 damage to an enemy target unit. This spell is cannot be learned from a mage guild; instead, it can only be learned by the hero while they have Titan's Thunder artifact equipped, or by visiting aurora borealias grail structure in Conflux.