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The Academy towns in the world of Ashan. It should be noted that many of the specialized towns in Heroes of Might and Magic V and its expansions show up multiple times in different locations (much like the generic or mercenary heroes). Regarding Heroes V towns, this article assumes unless they are mentioned in the text or dialog, or are unique campaign specific towns, their appearances in these locations are likely non-canon (though the towns themselves are still canon).



Al-Beril is located in the North Eastern reaches of the Silver Cities, on land claimed after the Wizards readjusted their borders. Little is known about Al-Beril.


So far Al-Beril is only seen in maps in the Ashan Compendium, with no other details given so far.



Incomplete This section is incomplete and requires more information. Please help and contribute your knowledge by editing or expanding it.


Although not named in game, this is the city where the ending of Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes takes place.



One of the original Seven Cities, Al-Rubit is home of the House Chimera and its Crimson Wizards who are known for their creation of the Orcs and Beastmen. It would latter go on to be part of the Silver League after the civil war in the Seven Cities.


Some sources give Al-Rubit as the location where Orcs were created, others give Shahibdiya.



Al Safir is the capital of the Silver Cities, erected after the war against the Necromancers. The Mages were lavish with protective spells, making Al Safir one of the most unassailable fortresses in all of Ashan.OffBck


Though Al Safir's biography mentions it was built after one of the wars with the Necromancers, the Ashan Compendium shows it to have been one of the original Seven Cities.



The desert city of Anwaar is sometimes called "the City of Lights". Its walls as well as the spires of its numerous towers are built of a quartz-rich granite and often polished or layered with silver or gold. Spells of light are used liberally to maintain the brilliance even at night. Any attacker trying to take aim against the glare risks missing by a good distance.OffBck


-1 Attack and -1 Defence for enemies assaulting this town.



There’s a portal near Azhar leading to the Demons’ lands, and the Wizards keep it under a constant watch. The elite guards have a tradition: they make occasional bold forays into the lava pits, bringing back a few additional measures of mercury.OffBck

The Mountains of Azhar
This extremely old stone signpost has been worn by weather and time, but the statue bust of the legendary Wizard Azhar still stands at its top pointing in the directions of the mountains. He is famed for having saved the human wizards of the Shantiri and founded a community that would later inspire the Seven Cities.

During the second eclipse of 564 YSD this city was taken by Demon forces, but was later liberated by an army led by Necromancer Anastasya.


+2 Mercury per week.


The Spider's Stratagem[]

Azhar is an inferno town located near the the top right corner of the map. Because taking the town is not required it is very easy for the player to miss.

The Story of the Wizard and the Djinn[]

Azhar is a Wizard city in the north-west part of the map. The scenario starts here.



Yafiah is the place where Sar-Shazzar, one of the great wizards of the early days of Ashan, is said to have passed away. In the middle of town there is a monument to him, and the town defenders fight like dervishes to keep this important site out of enemy hands.OffBck

The Oasis of Bahiyaa
This beautiful statue of a Dragon Goddess is amazingly dedicated to Shalassa, though it was certainly not built by the Naga. It seems the desert peoples of the area, in indicating the direction to this miraculous Oasis, acknowledge the miraculous power and importance of Water more than most in the region.

In 564 YSD during the Second Eclipse,this city was taken by Demon forces. However it would later be liberated by an army led by Necromancer Anastasya.

During Queen Isabel's War this city held an artifact called the Cloak of Death's Shadow which Necromancer Markal was after. During his invasion of the Silver Cities, he captured this city, killed its population and turned it into a Necropolis using the power of the Staff of the Netherworld. This city would be later liberated by Zehir.



+1 Morale for troops defending this town.


Though this city is called Bahiyaa then in game background calls it Yafiah. To make matters more complicated the game refers to the city as Bahiyaa in The Invasion but as a Necropolis in The Liberation it is called Yafiah. Yafiah is the name of a mage who was first of the circle before retiring allowing Maahir to take his place.



Fidaa's schools and universities are more than just academies for the eldritch arts, they are famous for turning out Mages who are warriors more than academics. Every year a large class of would-be heroes graduates, and their services can be had at a reasonable price.OffBck


10% off when recruiting heroes in this town.



Many years ago Elven troops came to help the defenders of Hadiya in their fight against the Undead. In memory of that battle Wizards and Druids worked together to put a powerful spell on the graves of the fallen, now every week crystals grow on the burial mounds, protecting the dead from the dark magic of Necromancers.OffBck


+2 Crystals per week.



The port of Hikm serves as the Silver Cities' gates to the sea. The ships of many nations berth here, willing to put up with the high landing fees to get access to the rich markets of the Silver Cities. The high costs go directly into the city treasuries, where they help support the Wizards' navy.OffBck

Hikm is located on the same island as Lorekeep and the later to be built Newpost. During Queen Isabel's War this city held an artifact called the Amulet of Necromancy which Necormancer Markal was seeking. He captured this Amulet and the city, making this the first Silver city to fall. After the invasion of the Silver Cities, due to Godric's distrust of Markal he kept the Amulet away from Markal and held this city. Markal however laid siege to Hikm for a second time and recaptured the city and the amulet.


50% off on ships purchased in this town.


It is unknown what became of the city after Zehir liberated the Silver Cities, but presumably it was recaptured by the wizards as well.



Commissioned by Zehir from the mysterious and powerful Djinns, Ilm-Hijra is the sole town of the Silver Cities able to fly. Worried that what goes up might accidentally come down, the Djinns also gave the city particularly strong walls in the event that they come into premature contact with the ground. As a result, this maginificent flying city is also quite effective in protecting those within its walls.OffBck

This flying city was an instrumental tool in ending Biara's reign of terror in the Griffin Empire. First Zehir used it to aid Dark Elf Ylaya in clearing out the Dark Elf kingdom of the Soulscar Clan. Next Zehir used this city to aid in a magical ritual which revealed disguised demons and their fortresses all over the Empire. He then moved onto Dwarfern lands and aided Wulfstan in finding the Earthfire Shrine. After setting events in motion he moved this city near Talonguard for the final battle.




During the War of the Broken Staff the Wizards of the Silver Cities faced a problem: their fallen warriors were being resurrected by their enemies, providing fresh troops for the other side. Following a hasty council of war Janaan started mass-producing First Aid Tents, thereby both reducing their own losses and weakening the Undead army.OffBck


Cost of first aid tent is 66% less.




Johara is known as a town of craftsmen and tinkerers, be it for children's toys or mighty military constructs. Many people come here to see the exhibitions of curious mechanical devices, the purpose of which is known only to the hordes of Gremlins who work on them.OffBck


+2 Tier 1 creature growth in this town.




Situated not far from the borders with the lands of the Necromancers, Manaar suffered greatly during the wars that split the Necromancers from their Wizard brethren. Fortunately, the discovery of rich gold veins in the nearby hills prevented Manaar from falling into ruin. Continually rebuilt after periods of war and strife, the mines of Manaar have served it well.OffBck

Manaar is an Silver League City located not far from the borders of Heresh. Within it is Ilm Azhaar, which is described as "the great academy of magic". In 973 YSD this city was attacked by Necromancer Arantir in a bid to learn the plans of Demon Cultists within the city. If may have been destroyed by Arantir or at least badly damaged. It is possible it was later captured by Orc forces under Gotai.


Town Walls, Gates and Towers have 50 more hitpoints each.


Manaar is a unique town seen in the Tribes of the East campaign map The Grim Crusade. It is unclear if Manaar is destroyed or just damaged after Arantir's attack. Manaar later appears as one of many enemy Academy towns in Hunting the Hunter. Given Manaar is a unique town, and it may have been destroyed earlier, its appearance may be a mistake. This town has a near identical in game background to Mutazz.



When this town was built its architect made a bet with the great mage Cyrus, claiming that he could build walls of such strength that they could withstand strikes by titans. Cleverly embedding powerful artifacts into the fortifications, the architect came out the winner.OffBck


Town Walls, Gates and Towers have 50 more hitpoints each.



If the thieves of the Silver League ever took over, Nawal would be their capital. For the time being the Circle of Nine turns a blind eye, permitting the thieves to operate. If the Circle ever dared to crack down, many people, messages, and artifacts would simply... disappear...OffBck


Thieves guild gives double the information of a single guild.



Many residents of the Silver Cities, the Griffin Empire, and Irollan keep their gold in Nudhar's safe deposits. The reason is the high interest rates paid, plus the guarantees by Nudhar's Council of Nine that the money will be absolutely safe. This has made it the wealthiest town in the Silver Cities.OffBck


+250 extra Gold per day.



If the Silver League decided one day that gossip was as important as magic, Nuzha would become their capital. While Wizards normally study knowledge that is intellectual and arcane, those whose tastes run to more earthy subjects can always find out what is going on here in NuzhaOffBck

Nuzha is a Silver League town near the border with the Griffin Duchy. In 951 YSD, during Godric's search for the Pendant of Mastery in Silver City lands, he carefully avoided this town.




This town is unique to the Heroes of Might and Magic V single scenario Diplomat.



Omran is the place where an unusual but important Mage competition is held -- the Golem gladiator fights. While their numbers peak during the competition and its festivals, there is sure to always be a few extra golems in training in the town.OffBck


+1 Tier 3 creature growth.



Qatadah's towers have cunning mechanism inside them, built by Gremlins. The principle of their work is unclear even to the Mages, but the result is impressive: shooters who use these mechanisms inflict heavier damage to the enemy.OffBck

In 823 YSD during Naadir's search for an an unsullied copy of the original teachings of the Sar-Elam he may have taken this city.




This town is unique to the Heroes of Might and Magic V single scenario Refugee.



Qays is in a heavily contested border area between the Silver Cities and the Necromancers of Heresh. As a result, the Circle of Nine has been careful to reinforce the city's Defenses. One of the measures taken is to ensure that additional Mages are part of the town garrison, ever ready to defend the walls.OffBck


+1 Tier 4 creature growth.



The shooting towers of Sahla are full of intricate machinery, perfected over decades by grim Wizards and their gremlin assistants. Few understand their principles of operation, but the results speak for themselves -- they take a terrible toll on attacking forces.OffBck

Sahla is located on the border between the Silver Cities and the Griffin Empire. In 951 YSD during Godric's search for the Pendant of Mastery in Silver City lands he avoided this town.




This town is unique to the Heroes of Might and Magic V single scenario Diplomat.



While notable for its laboratories and the famous wizardly breakthroughs conceived there, Shahibdiya is most famous as the birthplace – or laboratory – that created the Orcs. It was here that Demon blood and human criminals were first mixed, leading after many failures to the volatile race known as Orcs.OffBck

Shahibdiya is one of the original Seven Cities and would also become part of the later founded Silver League. It was here that the Orcs, Goblins and Cyclops would be created in order to turn the tide agains the Demons during the First Eclipse. In 973 YSD, Gotai led an Orc army though the Silver City lands and managed to capture this city. It was here the Wizard Zehir would arrive to successfully make peace with the Orcs after these factions difficult past with each other.


Troops guarding this town have a +1 luck bonus.


Some sources such as the Might & Magic website give Al-Rubit as the birth place of the Orcs rather than Shahibdiya. It is unknown which is correct at this time.



The shooting towers of Sihaam are full of intricate gremlin-made machinery. Few Mages understand their principles of operation, but the results speak for themselves -- they take a terrible toll on attacking forces.OffBck

This city of Eldritch Lore fell from power when it was cursed after the Undead invasion. It has lost its Arcane Essence and has become a stronghold of the Necromancers.OffBck

During Markal's invasion of the Silver cities during Queen Isabel's War he used the Staff of the Netherworld to kill the population of this town and turn it into a Necropolis which then went by the name of Kadashman. Later in the war this would become the first city Zehir liberated. He then built up the mage guild and even managed to turn Kadashman back into an Academy town, now going once again by the name Sihaam. He then used Sihaam as his base of operations for liberating the rest of the Silver Cities, before moving to attack Lorekeep.


Town Defense Towers deal 25% more damage.


Sihaam is a unique town found only in the Heroes of Might and Magic V campaign maps The Invasion, The Defiant Mage and The Liberation. Strangely the Kadashman is an Academy town in the map editor and multilayer rather than Sihaam.



Tarfah’s townsfolk don’t need wood - they get all the heat they need from the hot springs and thermal vents around the town. They have to watch where they step but it's worth it, the abundance of wood is the main source of Tarfah's wealth.OffBck


+1 Wood per day.



The War of the Gray Alliance of the Humans and Elves against the Demons didn’t spare the Silver Cities. Defenders of Thaqib had to withstand a long siege, during which they were on the receiving end of ballista attacks. Quick to learn, Thaqib built its own and now makes the finest ones in the Silver League.OffBck


Cost of Ballista is 66% less.



Noisy and restless, Tharaa is the Silver Cities' center of trade. The town council intentionally lowered the trade tax, improving the flow of goods and guaranteeing that they would be cheaper here than in competing towns.OffBck


Town acts as 2 market places so gives better rates.

Unidentified City (Nur)[]

Little is known of this city, other in the early days of the Seven Cties a Wizard living here managed to capture the legendary Djinn Nur. However unable to control Nur's powers he was consumed by the raw magic, and his tower and most city vanished. Nur was later restored and the tower was found buried under the sands of Sahaar.



Residents of Yasaar are used to tremors in the earth. The cause of it is their unusual method for extracting ore: Wizards generate an earthquake every few days in order to bring fresh veins of ore-rich rock to the surface.OffBck


+1 Ore per day.



Yumn is a town of gamblers, and luck has come to be such an important part of daily life that the elders have imposed a luck tax. Few believe that tossing a coin in the old fountain costs them luck, but invading armies seem to be hit with unexpected and unwelcome surprises.OffBck


Troops guarding this town have a +1 luck bonus.



Just as a table can only be as good as the wood from which it is made, the choice of stone makes a great difference in a gargoyle. The quarries here are famous for their plentiful stones, which are easily turned into these famed flying troops of the Silver Cities.OffBck

DuringQueen Isabel's War and Markal's Necromancer invasion of the Silver cities, Ziyad held an artifact known as the Staff of the Netherworld. Markal in his bid to get hold of the atifact captured the city and once he got hold of the staff used its powers to kill the cities populace and turn it into a Necropolis named Ulamburiash. During the later liberation of the Silver Cities, Zehir was able to recapture the town.


+1 Tier 2 creature growth.


Ziyad also appears as a Fortress (H5) city, with the exact same in game background. This is presumably an error.
