Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki
For the faction in other games, see Academy.

The Academy is a faction in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is made up of magicians, who dedicate their lives to magic and magical items.


Wizards are proud seekers of knowledge, and subjugators of the natural order. They prize knowledge and research above all, and their great weakness is their desire to seek for these things in places - and in ways - that might be best left unexplored. Intellectually competitive, sybaritic, and Machiavellian, others often find them arrogant and supercilious.OffBck

Most wizards feared the necromancers of House Eterna, so they started banishing anyone practising necromancy. The necromancers made a rebellion and fled to Heresh, since then the Seven Cities became known as the Silver Cities.




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Village hall Academy H7 Town hall Academy H7 City hall Academy H7Capitol Academy H7Hall of Heroes Academy H7
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolHall of Heroes
Gives the ability to build new objects in the city. Gives 500 Gold per day. Gives additional 500 Gold per day. Gives additional 1000 Gold per day.Gives additional 1500 Gold per day. You can have only one Capitol.Allows players to recruit Heroes.




2000 Gold
Village hall
Town level 3


5000 Gold
5 Ore
5 Wood
Town hall
Town level 9


10000 Gold
10 Ore
10 Wood
City hall
Town level 15


500 Gold
5 Ore
2 Wood

Marketplace Academy H7Workshop Academy H7Pyramidal craft Academy H7
MarketplaceWorkshopPyramidal craft
Provides the town screen window to trade resources.Allows Heroes to buy a Healing tent.Allows Heroes to buy a Small pyramid.


500 Gold
5 Wood


500 Gold
5 Ore


500 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 6


Fortification level 1 Academy H7 Fortification level 2 Academy H7 Fortification level 3 Academy H7Lightning pyramid Academy H7Moat Academy H7
Fortification level 1 Fortification level 2 Fortification level 3Lightning pyramidMoat
Adds walls and gates used during siege to the city as well as local guard consisting of Gargoyles and Cabirs. Increases the number of hit points of walls and gates during siege. Adds Djinns and Apprentices to local guard. Increases the number and growth of creatures in local guard. Increases the number of hit points of walls and gates during siege. Increases the number and growth of creatures in local guard.The city has 2 towers during siege.
Adds a moat during siege.


1500 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
Town level 6


1500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Fortification level 1
Town level 9


1500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Fortification level 2
Town level 15


600 Gold
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Fortification level 1
Town level 6


600 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
Fortification level 2
Town level 9


Arcane portal Academy H7 Mana core Academy H7 Artifact recycler Academy H7Arcane library Academy H7Casting stage Academy H7
Arcane portal Mana core Artifact recyclerArcane libraryCasting stage
Gives 5000 Gold per day and increase the growth of creatures in the city by 50%. +100 to maximum mana for all your heroes. Doubles the maximum level of Mana of the hero who visits this place. Lasts till the end of the week. Allows you to change artifacts into resources.
Adds two level 1 and level 2 spells and one level 3 and level 5 spells to the Mage Guild.Allows your heroes to place two negative magic effects on two random enemy creatures during each battle waged in this city's area of influence.


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Tear of Asha
Town level 15


500 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
Mage guild level 2
Town level 6


2000 Gold
2 Shadowsteel
Town level 3


500 Gold
1 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 3


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Mage guild level 1
Town level 3

Inscriber Academy H7Thieves guild Academy H7Alchemist lab Academy H7Resource silo Academy H7
InscriberThieves guildAlchemist labResource silo
Adds the possibility to buy spells.Allows you to buy information about your enemies.
Provides 1 Dragonblood crystal each day.Provides 1 random rare resource per day.


2000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town level 12


500 Gold
5 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 3


3000 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
Mage guild level 2
Town level 9


3000 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
Town level 3

Magic guild[]

Magic guild level 1 Academy H7 Magic guild level 2 Academy H7 Magic guild level 3 Academy H7Magic guild level 4 Academy H7Town portal Academy H7
Magic guild level 1 Magic guild level 2 Magic guild level 3Magic guild level 4Town portal
Gives 5 random level 1 spells to this city. Gives 4 random level 2 spells to this city. Gives 3 random level 3 spells to this city.Gives 1 random level 4 spell to this city.Allows the heroes who have the Town Portal spell to return to this city if it is the closest available city.


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
1 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 3


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
3 Dragonblood crystal
3 Starsilver
3 Dragonsteel
3 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 2
Town level 6


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 3
Town level 12


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Mage guild level 2

Creature production[]


"I told you to see if he's in the league with the Faceless, not to burn his eyes out!"

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[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Stone parapet Fire cave Golem foundrySchool of MagicAltar of Wishes
Allows players to recruit Gargoyles. Allows players to recruit Cabirs. Allows players to recruit Golems.Allows players to recruit Apprentices.Allows players to recruit Djinns.


1300 Gold
5 Ore


1500 Gold
5 Ore
Town level 3


1700 Gold
5 Ore
Town level 6


3500 Gold
5 Wood
5 Dragonblood crystal
Mage guild level 2
Town level 6


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
Mana core
Town level 9

Silver pavilionCloud coliseumArcane tower
Allows players to recruit Rakshasa.Allows players to recruit Colossi.
Allows players to recruit Arcane eagles.


7000 Gold
10 Wood
5 Dragonsteel
Town level 12


12000 Gold
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
10 Starsilver
Pyramidal craft or lightning pyramid
Altar of Wishes
Town level 15


12000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
10 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
Pyramidal craft or lightning pyramid
Altar of Wishes
Town level 15


[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Silver parapet Fire nest Golem forgeUniversity of MagicPinnacle of Wishes
Allows players to recruit Obsidian gargoyles. Allows players to recruit Cabir masters. Allows players to recruit Sandstone golems.Allows players to recruit Disciples.Allows players to recruit Djinn channelers.


700 Gold
2 Starsilver
Stone parapet


800 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
Fire cave


900 Gold
5 Starsilver
Golem foundry


2800 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
10 Starsilver
School of Magic


3000 Gold
5 Dragonsteel
Altar of Wishes

Golden pavilionThundercloud coliseumArcane vortex
Allows players to recruit Rakshasa raja.Allows players to recruit Titans.Allows players to recruit Simurghs.


6000 Gold
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
Silver pavilion


12000 Gold
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Cloud coliseum


12000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
10 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
Arcane tower

Growth upgrade[]

[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Cabir foundry Lava lake Starsilver forgeQuarters of MagicWell of Wishes
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+9 Gargoyles or Obsidian Gargoyles per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+8 Cabirs or Cabir Masters per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+4 Golems or Sandstone Golems per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+5 Apprentices or Disciples per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+4 Djinns or Djinn Channelers per week.


1300 Gold
5 Ore
Five cave
Town level 3


1500 Gold
Fire cave
Town level 6


1700 Gold
5 Ore
Golem forge
Town level 6


3500 Gold
5 Wood
5 Dragonblood crystal
School of magic
Town level 12


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
Altar of wishes
Town level 12

Roaring tower
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+2 to Rakshasa or Rakshasa Raja per week.


7000 Gold
10 Wood
5 Dragonsteel
Silver pavilion
Town level 15

