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A Partial History of the Noble Order of Necromantic Sorcerers' is a book in Necromants Lair in Valley of Dust in Heresh. It appeared in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.


A Partial History of the Noble Order of Necromantic Sorcerers'
We were formed from the schisms that broke the unity of the followers of Sar-Elam; though all swore to cleave to his principles few had the discipline to do so. Upon his death, then, the disciples fragmented. Many, led by Sar-Shazzar, his most gifted pupil, settled in a place they named the Seven Cities.
74 YSD: The Mysterious Death of Sar-Shazzar
Sar-Shazzar died in his sleep; when we attempted to move his body to the Necropolis it crumbled to ashes.
461 YSD: The Discovery of Necromancy
Belketh, wisest of the many who claimed to follow Sar-Shazzar, uncovered wonders previously hidden in the teachings of Asha. he showed to a loyal few the path of Necromancy.
461-660 YSD: The Rise of the Necromancers
And so it was for a period of time that our presence blossomed and we became a powerful dorce in the Seven Cities.
751-770YSD Treachery
The Wizards grew jealous of the powers we wielded; in their ignorance they tried to cast us out. But we do not bow lightly, and bloody vicil war followed. Towers were cast down, armies of our loyal ones marched, and sheets of flame scoured the land. The realm of the Wizards was no more and the survivors floed to set up a new 'Empire'; a pale imitation of what once was. We found our own solace in a land called Heresh, building cities and workshops to rival even those of the Seven Cities that stood no more.
Since that day our hatred of the Wizards knows no bounds; we shall return one day to bend them to the way of the Spider Goddess.
